Annual Report 2023-24

This annual report details the NIISQ Agency’s performance between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

It provides details about our financial and non-financial performance, documents information about our operating environment, organisational structure, governance and demonstrates how we deliver our statutory obligations and provide value to NIISQ participants.

This report has been prepared in accordance with the Annual report requirements for Queensland Government agencies (2023-24 reporting period), and the prescribed requirements of the Financial Accountability Act 2009, the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019 and the National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Act 2016.

Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF, 19.2MB)

  • Accessing this report

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    Copies of the report are also available in paper format. To request a copy, please contact us on the details below.

    NIISQ Agency

    GPO Box 1391, Brisbane Qld 4001

    Phone: 1300 607 566



    ISSN: 2208 – 102X

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    © The National Injury Insurance Agency, Queensland 2024

    Licence: This annual report is licensed by the National Injury Insurance Agency, Queensland under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 International licence.

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    Attribution: Content from this annual report should be attributed as:

    The National Injury Insurance Agency, Queensland annual report 2023-24.

  • 30 August 2024

    The Honourable Cameron Dick MP
    Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment
    GPO Box 611
    Brisbane Qld 4001

    Dear Deputy Premier

    I am pleased to submit for presentation to the Parliament the annual report 2023-2024 and financial statements for the National Injury Insurance Agency, Queensland (NIISQ Agency).

    I certify that this annual report complies with:

    • the prescribed requirements of the Financial Accountability Act 2009, the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019 and the National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Act 2016, and
    • the detailed requirements set out in the Annual report requirements for Queensland Government agencies.

    A checklist outlining the annual reporting requirements is provided at page 76 of this annual report.

    Yours sincerely

    Neil Singleton
    Chief Executive Officer
    National Injury Insurance Agency, Queensland

  • Delivering with purpose; Creating hope

    It is pleasing to report on another positive year of performance, innovation and achievement for the scheme and the Agency.

    The scheme continues to perform in line with expectations and remains financially sound. The Agency is providing important support to over 500 seriously injured participants.

    The Agency purpose remains firmly focused on ‘Putting the participant at the centre of all we do’ and this is reflected in so many positive aspects of the scheme and Agency performance.

    During the year we entered into several important research partnerships with the University of Queensland providing funding for the Queensland Brain Injury Collaborative (QBIC) focused on collaborative brain injury research and will shortly conclude discussions with Griffith University and Metro South Hospital and Health Service to provide funding for The Hopkins Centre focused on translation research in rehabilitation for people with serious injuries.

    An intensive review was undertaken by the QUT Centre for Future Enterprise involving many scheme stakeholders and participants leading to the creation of an ‘Innovation Roadmap’ that is now being implemented. More partnerships and collaborations are currently being explored as we seek to build on our existing momentum.

    Our inaugural health and community forums in Townsville in April 2024 received strong support. Opportunities to invest in local research and initiatives are currently under discussion. We will return to Townsville in 2025 while we also explore opportunities to visit other regional centres during the coming year.

    In 2024–25 we will continue to build on our programs and our strategic investments in innovation and initiatives to improve participant health and independence outcomes.

    My thanks and appreciation to the members of our Participant Reference Group (PRG) for the important feedback they provide and to Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) for their facilitation and assistance with PRG meetings. As PRG members noted recently, our research investment brings hope for better outcomes. Our collaboration with the Motor Accident Insurance Commission has also provided efficiency gains and enabled greater insights around scheme performance.

    My thanks also to the wonderful team at the Agency who have worked tirelessly and enthusiastically on everything we do. The Agency recorded a very solid 82% score in the 2023–24 Working for Queensland survey reflecting the strength of our team culture and engagement.

    We are well placed for the future to continue delivering with purpose, to provide peace of mind and hope for our participants, their families and carers.

    Neil Singleton
    Chief Executive Officer

About us

  • The National Injury Insurance Scheme, Queensland (NIISQ) funds necessary and reasonable treatment, care and support for people who have sustained an eligible serious personal injury in a motor vehicle accident in Queensland, on or after 1 July 2016.

    NIISQ is a no-fault scheme, meaning necessary and reasonable treatment, care and support can be funded regardless of who was at fault in the accident. The injured person must also meet all eligibility criteria outlined in the National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Act 2016 (the NIISQ Act) and the National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Regulation 2016 (the Regulation).

    In line with the NIISQ Act, an eligible serious personal injury includes:

    • permanent spinal cord injuries
    • traumatic brain injuries
    • multiple or high-level limb amputations
    • permanent injury to the brachial plexus
    • severe burns
    • permanent blindness caused by trauma.

    Under the NIISQ Act, the NIISQ Agency may fund necessary treatment, care and support for eligible participants with the stated serious personal injuries. This includes funding the provision of services for:

    • medical or pharmaceutical treatment
    • dental treatment
    • rehabilitation
    • ambulance transportation
    • respite care
    • attendant care and support services
    • aids and appliances
    • prostheses
    • educational or vocational training
    • home or transport modifications.

    People with eligible injuries enter the scheme as interim participants for up to two years and receive treatment, care and support funded by NIISQ to support their rehabilitation.

    During this period, the NIISQ Agency is required to review the participant’s eligibility to remain in the scheme on a lifetime basis or to exit the scheme for various reasons.

    Different eligibility criteria may apply for participants aged under 18 years.

  • The National Injury Insurance Agency, Queensland (NIISQ Agency) is responsible for assessing eligibility and arranging payment of necessary and reasonable treatment, care and support for NIISQ participants, as well as managing and monitoring the provision of these services.

    As a Queensland Government agency, we work closely with a range of service providers across the state to use an evidence-based research and treatment philosophy that ensures participants in NIISQ have access to services that will provide them with the most benefit for their long-term health.

    Our team benefits from an inclusive and collaborative environment, where staff are provided with opportunities to learn and adopt innovative and co-design techniques, and to suggest ideas that will help us deliver high-quality services for participants and excellence across all our business functions.

    Under the NIISQ Act, our main functions are to:

    • administer the scheme
    • provide information to the community about the scheme
    • monitor and review the operation of the scheme, including the treatment, care and support received by participants under the scheme
    • conduct research and collect statistics about the scheme
    • give advice and information to the Treasurer and the Insurance Commission about the administration, efficiency and effectiveness of the scheme
    • provide support and funding for programs, research and education relevant to the treatment, care and support of participants in the scheme
    • manage the fund that pays for the costs of providing necessary and reasonable treatment, care and support of participants in the scheme
    • set investment objectives for the fund or part of the fund and establish investment strategies and policies to achieve the objectives
    • keep a register of entities providing services under the scheme.

    Partnership with workers’ compensation insurers

    In 2016, the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 was amended to make several changes to Queensland’s workers’ compensation scheme, including implementing the National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIIS) for work-related serious personal injuries connected with Queensland.

    Consistent with the NIIS for motor vehicle accidents in Queensland, the NIIS for work-related injuries provides all eligible seriously injured workers with a lifetime statutory entitlement to treatment, care and support payments.

    WorkCover Queensland has provided workers’ compensation insurance in Queensland since 1997 and works closely with the NIISQ Agency to support people with serious personal injuries.

    Under an agreement with WorkCover Queensland and other workers’ compensation insurers, we have been entrusted to perform their functions and exercise their powers in providing this lifetime statutory entitlement.

    The NIISQ Agency has provided this service to 114 eligible workers.

    We collaborate with WorkCover Queensland and other Queensland workers’ compensation insurers to facilitate:

    • a close partnership with the worker, their family and/or informal supports, as well as the medical and allied health team, to support independent living, a successful rehabilitation and where possible, a durable return-to-work outcome
    • awareness for potential eligibility with key hospital and rehabilitation personnel to ensure eligible workers are referred as early as possible
    • support for workers and their families through any referral process to the NIISQ Agency
    • identification and/or coordination of any return-to-work opportunities that deliver realistic and sustainable return-to-work outcomes for the injured worker
    • strong relationships with WorkCover Queensland and other workers’ compensation insurers around involvement with the pre-injury employer where appropriate.

    NIISQ participants and injured workers benefit from our extensive network

    We partner with other government agencies, including Queensland Health, to ensure participants are well-supported throughout their recovery journey. Our strong working relationship with hospitals assists with discharge planning, ensuring a smooth transition for participants returning home from hospital.

    We value the input and advice of our trusted stakeholders, and actively participate as members of interjurisdictional groups of government lifetime care schemes to ensure we exchange ideas and learnings while also contributing to innovative and evidence-based practices.

    NIISQ participants, injured workers and their families and support systems are our focus in providing high-quality services throughout their journey with NIISQ. We support their understanding while they navigate their adjustment to life-changing injuries by providing information and assistance wherever possible. We have also worked closely with First Nations experts and disability advocacy groups to ensure we are assisting participants in an accessible and culturally safe way.

  • Our purpose

    We boldly lead our scheme to ensure participants have access to services and supports that really matter to them.

    Our vision

    The right support at the right time making a difference to people’s lives.

    Our strategic objectives

    The following principles underpin our work to ensure we are providing the best service possible:

    • empowering participant experience and achievement
    • sustained confidence in the Agency and the scheme
    • an awesome and highly effective team.

    Our strategic risks

    We manage our key strategic risks, which relate to:

    • failure of the scheme to respond to economic pressures, unethical practices and other external shocks
    • understanding the necessary and reasonable priorities of diverse stakeholders
    • failure to keep pace with changing participant expectations and experiences.

    Our opportunities

    We are also committed to leveraging opportunities to:

    • create an agile and dynamic NIISQ Agency culture which responds to leading changes in our scheme
    • improve collaboration and co-design with stakeholders, researchers and scheme partners to deliver better experiences and reduce the effects of road trauma
    • leverage emerging innovations for enhanced participant understanding and service provision.

    This work aligns with our Strategic Plan 2022–2026 (see Appendices).

    Our values

    The Queensland Public Service values aim to articulate the Queensland Government’s vision of a high-performing, impartial and productive workforce that puts the people of Queensland first. These values have been adopted by agencies across the public service.

    Public service values

    Customers first

    • Know your customers
    • Deliver what matters
    • Make decisions with empathy

    Ideas into action

    • Challenge the norm and suggest solutions
    • Encourage and embrace new ideas
    • Work across boundaries

    Unleash potential

    • Expect greatness
    • Lead and set clear expectations
    • Seek, provide and act on feedback

    Be courageous

    • Own your actions, successes and mistakes
    • Take calculated risks
    • Act with transparency

    Empower people

    • Lead, empower and trust
    • Play to everyone’s strengths
    • Develop yourself and those around you

    Queensland Government objectives for the community

    The NIISQ Agency continues to deliver and support the Queensland Government’s objectives for the community, prioritising investing in skills, backing our frontline services, keeping Queenslanders safe, and honouring and embracing our rich and ancient cultural history.


  • The strength and commitment of our people and our valued stakeholders helps us to achieve our vision of delivering the right support at the right time making a difference to people’s lives.

    We strive to provide a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace that values feedback and constructive conversations, and that ignites innovation and collaboration across all facets of our work.

    Our values

    The public service values underpin the way we go about our work. All employees are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards and conduct themselves in a way that reflects our values, policies and statutory obligations.

    Code of conduct

    We are meeting our obligations under the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994.

    While we operate in accordance with the wider Queensland Government’s policies, we also have an established NIISQ Agency Code of Conduct for employees (the code), which underpins how we operate within the NIISQ Agency. Each staff member is introduced to the code as part of their initial introduction to the NIISQ Agency team, and it is readily available to all staff to read whenever required.

    The code highlights our commitment to ethical practices and reaffirms our rights as employees of the Queensland Government.

    Industrial and employee relations

    The NIISQ Agency is a public sector entity as defined in the Public Sector Act 2022.

    We are an employing entity covered by the Queensland Public Service Officers and Other Employees Award (2015), as well as the State Government Entities Certified Agreement 2019 (core agreement) and subsequent replacement agreements.

    The NIISQ Agency encourages and maintains strong engagement with the Together Union, including regular consultation about organisational change, workforce policies and employment matters.

    Nil formal disputes arose during the 2023–24 period.

    Nil formal employee grievances were lodged during the 2023–24 period.

    Committed to excellence


    Our commitment to becoming an employer of choice will continue to shape and sustain the NIISQ Agency workforce into the future.

    During the 2023–24 year, the NIISQ Agency recruited talented and committed people to a range of roles that will continue to deliver an improved and sustainable service model for the scheme.

    We also continued to develop and strengthen an inclusive internal culture through the culture immersion program and playbook, culminating in a staff video that highlighted our values.


    The NIISQ Agency onboarding experience is a vital component of our strategy to support and retain great people. We welcomed new employees by sharing important information about the NIISQ Agency, our workplace and culture, to enable a comfortable transition into their new roles and for their ongoing success.

    In 2023-24 we launched a new learning management system (LMS) to effectively manage mandatory and role-based training modules for new and existing staff. The LMS provides managers and staff with flexible access to important training that new starters need to undertake within their first few weeks with the NIISQ Agency. We are also undertaking a project to further evolve the onboarding experience for new starters and hiring managers that will be rolled out in 2024-25.

    Professional development

    Personal learning and development opportunities through the Study and Research Assistance Scheme (SARAS) and attendance at relevant training courses and industry conferences continued to be encouraged.

    Regular employee and supervisor feedback discussions and peer case review processes were also maintained.

    To complement traditional methods of learning, throughout the 2023–24 period our highly-skilled staff participated in other capability building and knowledge sharing initiatives, such as:

    • team showcases
    • lunch and learn discussions
    • trauma-informed practice training
    • health, safety and emergency response training
    • health and safety representative courses
    • sexual harassment contact officer training
    • Innovation Day activities
    • coaching in agile ways of working.

    We are strengthening our learning and development program with internal capacity to design and deliver a range of modularised learning programs that will be rolled out and embedded throughout 2024-25.

  • Our leadership team is committed to the delivery of our vision and strategic objectives, channeled through our Strategic Plan 2022–2026 (see Appendices). They provide a supportive and inclusive team environment and engage collaboratively with the wider NIISQ Agency to foster innovation, while maintaining our focus on providing participant-centred services.

    Neil Singleton
    Chief Executive Officer
    B. Business (Insurance), MBA

    Neil Singleton was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the NIISQ Agency in June 2021, and also holds the roles of Insurance Commissioner with the Motor Accident Insurance Commission and the Nominal Defendant. Neil has over 30 years of insurance experience across a broad range of management and executive positions. His responsibilities include providing strong strategic leadership to ensure viable, affordable and equitable compulsory third party insurance and lifetime care schemes in Queensland.

    Neil is inspired by participant-centred design and enabling and encouraging an innovative culture to help to continually improve service, performance and outcomes.

    Gaenor Walker
    General Manager, NIISQ
    B. OccTher, Grad Cert (Management)

    As General Manager of NIISQ, Gaenor Walker brings extensive experience from her time working in the NIISQ Agency, the insurance sector, non-government organisations and in private practice as an occupational therapist.

    With a passion for service design and transformation, Gaenor is proud to be leading the NIISQ team and brings experience from a range of industry-shaping projects including the design of funding schemes in the lead up to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) implementation and the redesign of insurance sector services.

    Harnessing the great skills and expertise of the NIISQ team, Gaenor places emphasis on building a strong, dynamic and supportive culture where people succeed, and participants benefit from great outcomes.

    Peter How
    General Manager, Innovation and Delivery
    Dip (Proj Mgt), B. Comm, Grad Dip (Commercial Computing), MBA, MAICD

    Peter has comprehensive executive leadership experience in government and private enterprise across a range of industries, with a particular focus on innovation and incubation, organisational performance, agility and growth.

    He is also a qualified company director and board advisor. Peter’s energy, enthusiasm and ability are readily on show as leader of NIISQ Agency’s Innovation and Delivery team.

    Anh Bui
    General Manager, Business and Advisory Services
    B. Business, LLB, FGIA, CPA

    Anh is responsible for leading diverse teams across a broad range of strategic and operational functions including finance, procurement, corporate governance, communication, people and culture. As a qualified accountant and governance professional, Anh has over 20 years’ experience in financial services, is a member of CPA Australia and has also been admitted to the legal profession.

    Anh is passionate about leading teams and providing public value through the delivery of quality services for the NIISQ Agency and its stakeholders.

  • Workforce profile

    The number of paid employees as of 30 June 2024, including both full-time and part-time employees measured on a full-time equivalent basis, is 113.9, reflecting an overall increase by approximately 18%. This increase includes roles shared with the Motor Accident Insurance Commission and the Nominal Defendant under a tripartite corporate support services arrangement.

    In 2023–24, the NIISQ Agency welcomed new employees and farewelled employees, with a permanent employee separation rate of around 9.6%.

    No redundancy, early retirement or retrenchment packages were paid during 2023–24.

    Our commitment to work/life balance

    In 2023–24, the NIISQ Agency continued to embed flexible work practices that support business needs, while supporting staff to create a healthy balance between work and personal commitments.

    Flexible work options have remained popular, and most of our employees benefit from tailored arrangements such as hybrid work arrangements, flexible hours, flex-time accrual, part-time work, or remote work for staff living outside of Queensland’s greater southeast.

    We align flexible work practices for employees with evidence-based approaches promoted by the Public Sector Commission.

    Flexible work options are accessible to all staff, at every level of the NIISQ Agency.

    Planning for the future

    In 2023–24, we reset the strategic direction for the NIISQ Agency, delivered new Agency plans, and progressed key initiatives for improved participant outcomes.

    Moving into the future, ideas and innovations will help us deliver system efficiencies that support sustainable growth and develop and leverage the capabilities of a diverse workforce.

    Capability framework

    Leadership, culture and engagement

    Throughout 2023–24, we continued to embed core leadership competencies in NIISQ Agency role descriptions, aligning with the Leadership competencies for Queensland framework.

    We refreshed employee performance and development plans and built new career development pathways for staff, encouraging talent mobility, promoting project opportunities, and deepening collaborative teamwork skills.

    In addition, we implemented a new learning management system and an enhanced catalogue of online training modules that will continue to strengthen positive employee engagement and retention.

    Increasing capability through our work

    We strengthened our knowledge management practices to capture, share and grow our thinking in ways that build our capability and agility to deliver the highest quality services to NIISQ participants, placing the participant at the centre of all we do.

    In 2023–24, we maintained and enhanced our Participant care practice manual, an online instructional and information resource for staff, and published the NIISQ Agency’s Treatment, care and support guidelines. In addition, we implemented a redesigned staff intranet and information resources.

    Measuring our employee engagement

    We measure our employees’ perceptions about their work, colleagues, leaders and the NIISQ Agency through regular employee opinion surveys.

    In the 2023–24 period, NIISQ Agency employees participated in the Queensland public sector’s annual Working for Queensland survey, which recorded a strong response rate. Results from the survey highlighted our strengths in supporting employees with most responses to questions rating higher than the public sector comparator. The strongest positive themes for staff included:

    • pride and personal attachment in working at the NIISQ Agency
    • inspired to do their best in their role
    • majority of staff wished to stay working in their role for the next two years
    • high levels of social support, job clarity, workgroup effectiveness and safety, flexible work and integrity scores.

    The survey results also highlighted areas of opportunity that we will continue to develop, such as performance discussions and development, fair and equitable treatment, and wellbeing and mental health.

    Health, safety, and wellbeing

    Employee wellbeing

    Work health, safety and wellbeing continues to be an important focus for the leadership team. We recognise that our people perform challenging work and also experience life changes or juggle unique personal circumstances and commitments.

    Regular work health and safety reporting has ensured we are monitoring the physical, social and psychological needs of our staff so that work-related risks continue to be managed effectively.

    We have an active Work Health and Safety Consultative Committee, which is aligned to the Queensland Government’s Be healthy, be safe, be well framework. The committee meets quarterly and helps deliver important staff wellbeing insights and initiatives for all staff. In 2023–24, we expanded our network of trained Workplace Health and Safety Representatives to build in the representation of staff across our growing team. We also reviewed and updated our assessment of workplace psychosocial safety risks in keeping with the current Code of practice.

    As part of our safety and wellbeing programs, we maintain Employee Assistance Service provider arrangements, and are working with First Nations companies to provide culturally safe employee assistance for staff. We promote and encourage seasonal influenza vaccinations, participate in annual building emergency evacuation drills, provide access to first aid, ergonomic workstations, and a number of sit-to-stand desks.

    We encourage staff to take regular breaks throughout the workday to promote rest and recovery, and in 2023–24 we published our Employee wellness framework. We also encourage staff to regularly use accrued leave entitlements and end-of-trip facilities. During 2023–24, we piloted an all-abilities staff meditation program, and upgraded our all-abilities access amenities.

    Vicarious trauma prevention and management

    Our focus on preventing and managing vicarious trauma risks remains instrumental in fulfilling our duty of care to our people. We provide regular, professional external debriefing with a clinical psychologist for employees whose daily work involves working closely with people that have experienced trauma, or with sensitive content and materials.

    In 2023–24, as an initiative under our new Employee wellness framework, we reviewed and expanded the range of professional debriefing services available for staff that perform roles at higher risk of vicarious trauma exposure due to the nature of their work.

    Diversity and inclusion

    In 2023-24, we undertook a workforce Diversity and equity self-assessment audit and report, which has laid the foundation for our inaugural Equity and diversity plan and Disability service plan, developed in conjunction with directives from the Public Sector Commission.

    Our leaders are role models and active supporters of inclusion and diversity in the workplace, regularly acknowledging external awareness events and days of significance, such as NAIDOC Week and the International Day Against LGBTQIA+ Discrimination (IDAHOBIT). They also work extensively with external, related agencies and stakeholders to ensure our organisation remains at the forefront of industry trends and changes affecting people with a disability in Queensland.

    In 2023–24, we continued to encourage all staff to identify as LGBTIQ+ allies in theworkplace, by using their preferred pronouns in business communications. We strive to create a safe, warm, welcoming space for all team members.

    We also proudly completed all actions in our first Reconciliation Action Plan (Reflect), which was endorsed by Reconciliation Australia. We are now finalising a draft for the next phase of our journey to reframe the relationship with First Nations peoples through the Reconciliation Action Plan (Innovate), which we are undertaking in partnership with the Motor Accident Insurance Commission and the Nominal Defendant.

    Our employee social club contributes to our workplace culture by strengthening social connections at work, and planning multicultural events and celebrations, providing a sense of individual belonging for all team members.

    We continued to encourage our employees to take up flexible work options, also recognising the wide-ranging circumstances and needs that a diverse team has in order to balance work and life commitments at different ages and stages of career.


  • Our performance for 2023–24 is measured against each objective within our Strategic Plan 2022–2026 (see Appendices).

    These objectives include:

    • empowering participant experience and achievement
    • sustained confidence in the Agency and the scheme
    • an awesome and highly effective team.

    Key initiatives

    The NIISQ Agency delivered its strategic objectives through a number of key initiatives. This is summarised in the report card on page 19 on the report card below.

    Future focus 2024–25

    In 2024–25, our purpose is to continue to boldly lead our scheme to ensure participants have access to services and support that really matter to them. Realising this will be accomplished through strategic partnerships, co-design opportunities and innovative advancements that will empower the NIISQ Agency to:

    • elevate the participant experience through co-designing accessible solutions tailored to varying needs
    • simplify and modernise the ways we work together to create a brighter future
    • maximise autonomy and wellbeing for participants and our team
    • invest in research and initiatives to improve insights and outcomes
    • sustain scheme confidence through effective service delivery and financial management
    • leverage technology in innovative ways, rising to meet new challenges
    • harness data and insights to inform actions
    • amplify scheme understanding through strategic partnerships
    • empower a safe, capable and engaged team
    • cultivate a bold and innovative culture, championing our people as they deliver outstanding services
    • continuously enhance and grow innovative functionality to improve ways of working.

    Report card

    Key initiative Activity/project Measure/target Outcome
    Strategic objective 1: Empowering participant experience and achievement
    Educate and improve scheme awareness and understanding Enhance awareness of the scheme and its purpose with key stakeholders, including:

    –  participants
    –  hospital and health services
    –  service providers
    –  peak bodies

    Finalisation review and redevelopment of NIISQ stakeholder engagement register

    Provide accessible information for participants with English as a second language

    Update and evolve the provider registration pack and provider induction, aligning to updated processes and frameworks

    Explore information self-service options through digital channels including FAQs, behavioural nudges/ prompts, videos, online resources Participants are able to resolve high volume queries through self-service options Completed (see Participant portal pilot success)
    Evolve relationship management strategies with providers, partners, community supports, other jurisdictions and peak bodies who help deliver outcomes for participants Continuing to engage and work with peak bodies

    Consultation and collaboration opportunities with peak bodies and stakeholders

    Participants are linked with community and informal supports to complement their NIISQ funding

    On track
    Simplify and modernise participant processes and scheme requirements Continue to evolve effective and efficient business processes and systems Clear understanding of participant journey through Participant Care Service Delivery Model Completed
    Embed the treatment, care and support guidelines internally and externally, and establish a review/ oversight framework Completed
    Continue to evolve effective and efficient business processes and systems for the MyPlanning / MyPlan initiative Completed (see MyPlan)
    Quantify the experiences of participants to better gauge if we are meeting scheme requirements and streamlining internal processes to ensure more sustainable services Using data mapping from MyPlanning to identify similar journeys and make the journeys of potential participants easier On track
    Continue the uplift of the NIISQ website accessibility functions Online forms integrated into Connect (participant CRM system) with automated workflows/actions Completed
    Elevate the participant experience through co-design and by embedding leading treatment, care and support Evolve participant reference groups and partnerships with families and providers to design and test new solutions and create opportunities for staff to engage with participants Finalise and implement the Participant Engagement Framework

    Establish forward plan of Participant Reference Group, including dates, locations and methods for NIISQ staff to suggest agenda items

    Completed (see Co-design opportunities)
    Data analysis to identify patterns and trends in treatment outcomes to identify areas of improvement and guide decision making around treatment and care options Data report on participant trends to inform self-service project Completed
    Continue to provide opportunities for the voice of the participant to be heard and acted upon Participants have access to appropriate peer support networks On track
    Feedback opportunities are provided, and appropriate tasks actioned and communicated with participants and their families Completed
    Strategic objective 2: Sustained confidence in the Agency and the Scheme
    Effective systems Improve and embed key governance activities, including uplifting the way the Agency implements audit recommendations Key statutory obligations are identified and met

    Ongoing management of compliance and complaints frameworks

    Strategic and operational risks are identified and managed

    On track
    Prudent management of Agency costs Leverage technology to help streamline processes and improve efficiencies Workflows and automation to reduce admin tasks Completed
    Empower business areas by implementing a comprehensive and consistent budget approach Business areas are highly engaged in the budget development process and take ownership of financial results On track
    Collect reliable data to improve our estimations of lifetime participant care, using an appropriate tool that captures relevant information to provide long-term cost outcomes for each participant Informed decision making On track
    Robust compliance regimes Continue to improve the corporate policy framework and repository which supports the consistent development and updates of corporate policy documents Corporate policy framework is in place and central repositories are fit for purpose On track
    Integrate data across the scheme Develop partnerships with NIISQ teams to ensure they have the correct data to make decisions Present dashboards that provide easily understandable participant data snapshots Completed
    Develop and maintain an enhanced data collection repository to support the ongoing cleansed data payment and provider registration processes Connect upgrade to ensure end-to-end workflow Completed
    Strategic objective 3: An awesome and highly effective team
    Develop a safe, proactive and unified culture Continue to champion the MAIS-Q ‘Drives Together’ internal culture through delivery of the framework and playbook and ongoing action plan of initiatives throughout the year Develop and implement culture-building events, learning and development offerings, communications and collateral

    Working for Queensland survey results – employee engagement data

    MAIS-Q culture video

    On track
    Develop a Disability Action Plan that aligns with relevant legislation and public sector planning frameworks Develop a plan to improve accessibility, and build an equitable and inclusive workplace that leverages the benefits of workforce, which is represented by people with disability and lived experience of disability On track
    Support the delivery of innovation though the use of human-centred design approaches to ensure our service channels are accessible, digitally available, and inclusive Personas developed for external and internal stakeholders to the Agency

    Customer journey map completed and linked to service delivery model

    Participant survey conducted to gauge satisfaction levels from participants

    Simplify and streamline internal processes Establish a comprehensive data governance protocol to ensure the best possible data integrity regime Build an appreciation of the data capture excellence and ‘data champions’ throughout NIISQ On track
    Build and strengthen strategic partnerships and capabilities Promote opportunities for innovative service delivery and business models and associated funding to support innovations that address current market challenges / work with providers Identify key partners in the disability sector (universities, research institutions and industry associations) through a research stakeholder engagement plan

    Actively seek new research opportunities that align with NIISQ priorities and have an interest in co-design

    Engage partners and providers who share NIISQ’s values and vision to complement the Agency expertise and resources to build internal capability and deliver value as well as amazing experiences for our participants Continued rollout of purchasing and payments automation (including associated monitoring requirements)

    Partnership/s for self-service options for participants



  • This year, we continued to focus on areas for improvement and enhancement across the NIISQ Agency. This involved working closely with all business areas to determine and prioritise which initiatives would provide the most value for participants and providers, as well as providing excellent learning opportunities for staff development and leadership.

    Co-design opportunities

    In 2023-24, we enhanced our commitment to co-designing our services by actively involving participants and their families. In July 2023, the inaugural Participant Reference Group (PRG) was formed, reflecting a commitment to collaboration and improvement. Comprised of NIISQ participants from varying demographics and with different injury types and lived experience, the PRG plays a pivotal role in the ongoing enhancement of NIISQ initiatives and activities aimed at continuous improvement over the next two years (the tenure for our current members).

    Facilitated by the Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN), the PRG met four times in 2023-24, with the aim to meet an additional four times in 2024-25. It has served as a crucial sounding board for the Agency’s initiatives, ensuring the voice of the participant, and that of their family and support network, is heard and considered in the projects we undertake.

    As the partnership between NIISQ and the PRG matures, it promises to create a ripple effect that touches the lives of all those connected to the scheme. With each story shared, every idea proposed, and all relationships formed, we take a step closer to a future where services are tailored, responsive, and truly transformative.


    In mid-2023 we commenced a co-design project to review and develop a new framework for the way Support Planners interact with participants as part of their goal setting and treatment, care and support needs. This was the first major review of our support planning tool since the scheme’s commencement in 2016. We worked with staff members, service providers, the PRG and other participants and their families to understand their requirements and preferences to develop the MyPlanning framework.

    MyPlanning helps us understand individual needs and goals, so we can help participants access the right treatment, care, and support at the right time. We now use a MyPlan instead of a support plan when working with participants, with a more accessible and reader- friendly template available to aid in discussions between Support Planners and participants.

    Feedback to date has been positive and we will continue to evolve the tool in future iterations.

    Participant portal pilot success

    Innovation capability remains at the forefront of our Agency’s approach to enhancing the experience of NIISQ participants. We partnered with the Queensland University of Technology to develop and pilot an online participant portal designed to facilitate easier access to services and self-management.

    The digital platform will transform traditional, paper-based processes into an accessible, efficient online solution that caters to individual needs in real time. NIISQ Direct is a user-centric digital dashboard initiative that enhances the autonomy and empowerment of injured participants. It aims to improve user experience with round-the-clock access to information, streamlining the Agency’s administrative processes, and bolstering the participant-Support Planner relationship for increased trust within the scheme.

    Our participant engagement model enabled us to use lean and agile techniques to rapidly test with participants and to build trust through co-design, ensuring what we are developing is aligned to what participants need from us. The results are promising and demonstrate that engaging with stakeholders from the beginning of our projects provides tangible value for our participants.

    We built our first pilot model in late 2023, testing its functionality with a core group of participants and completed our initial evaluation report, with plans to improve and scale the project through future pilot projects. We’re pleased to advise we have since successfully completed a second pilot, with our next aim to release the portal to all participants. Requirement gathering is underway as part of our digital transformation and we are looking forward to providing this option to all participants in the future.

    NIISQ/QBIC brain injury awareness roadshow

    We were proud to join with the Queensland Brain Injury Collaborative (QBIC) (see Research and Education) in Townsville in April to host our inaugural brain injury health practitioner and community roadshows.

    Alongside QBIC, we hosted Brain Injury: Unmasking the Invisible, a free information session and dinner for general practitioners to navigate the complexities of brain injury care. The event saw brain injury specialist speakers share their knowledge and expertise with more than 30 local health care professionals.

    A further free community information session and morning tea was held to facilitate engagement between locals living with a brain injury, their carers and local experts. The event, From surviving to thriving: Building bridges for brain injury awareness and recovery, welcomed over 50 attendees. A key highlight was a NIISQ participant sharing their lived experience of brain injury with eloquence and humour.

    We are aiming to co-host additional roadshows in other regional centres in 2024-25, as well as returning to Townsville to build on the relationships formed. These events are important engagement opportunities to ensure the local issues and needs of regional providers and participants are better understood.

    NIISQ participant survey

    In May 2024 we conducted a participant survey to hear from participants, their families and their advocates how they feel about our support.

    Conducted independently by Enhance Research, the survey was voluntary and open to all current participants, including those injured in a workplace accident. 246 participants (or their nominated spokespeople) took part, a response rate of 46%.

    Overall satisfaction levels from respondents were very high, which was a pleasing result. Of the 246 respondents, 89% stated NIISQ played a valuable role in their lives. Nine in every 10 respondents also felt that NIISQ understood their accident-related needs very well.

    These positive results reflect the hard work and dedication of our committed team, and the trusted partnership we form with participants. It is reassuring to hear we are understanding participants’ accident-related needs in a way that allows them to retain a high level of choice and control.

  • In 2023–24, our commitment to research and education continued to empower us to deliver impactful initiatives that drive innovation and foster progress. We are proud to fund the following research and education initiatives.

    Assistive technology provision for the promotion of health and wellbeing: A needs analysis and solution building approach

    This collaboration with Griffith University, aimed to conduct a needs assessment of the assistive technology (AT) sector in Queensland, and to help guide the provision of assistive technology based on the needs and experiences of both service providers and end users.

    The project found there were variations in the quantity and depth of information provided on websites from agencies and schemes that manage AT funding within Queensland and around Australia. AT advisors identified a need to build capacity and capability in the sector, along with a need to hire or trial AT solutions.

    Similarly, AT recipients identified the need for improved access to trial AT, including access and trialing a range of AT solutions within their own environments prior to receiving the AT.

    The NIISQ Agency contributed $104,087 to this project.

    Access Active Rehab

    The NIISQ Agency partnered with Sporting Wheelies and Disabled Association to improve the health outcomes for inpatients with traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries through participation in sport and active recreation activities during their inpatient stay. The project helped bring community sport and recreational activities into rehabilitation for inpatients with brain or spinal cord injury at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. This project has finalised and whilst the program did not make a significant difference to the likelihood of patients engaging in community- based sport post hospital, the project found patients enjoyed participating in the program, their increased social interaction with other patients, and found the program improved their inpatient hospital stay.

    The NIISQ Agency contributed $81,200 towards this project.

    Prevention and management of pressure injuries using advanced manufacturing of personalised cushions

    The NIISQ Agency worked with Metro North Hospital and Health Service to develop an advanced manufacturing process, consisting of 3D scanning, printing and modelling to create custom wheelchair cushions optimised to the needs of an individual in terms of pressure management and postural support.

    The project was successful in building on preliminary work on small-scale 3D printed gyroid foams, to develop full-sized wheelchair cushions. Consumers were overwhelmingly positive, indicating they would be prepared to try the 3D printed cushions if they became available. Consumers also expressed interest in future cushions having smart capabilities, such as embedded sensors within the cushion.

    Next steps for the project will be to improve the fire resistance of the 3D printed cushions prior to user testing.

    The NIISQ Agency contributed $55,540 to this initiative which was finalised in December 2023.

    Funding of physiotherapy clinical practice guidelines for people with spinal cord injury

    We partnered with Metro South Hospital and Health Service to fund the Queensland component of a research project that will help physiotherapists provide consistent high-quality management for people with spinal cord injury.

    The project, Physiotherapy Clinical Practice Guidelines for People with Spinal Cord Injury (Queensland component), is part of a wider initiative that will provide Queensland clinical experts with the opportunity to shape physiotherapy guidelines for Queenslanders with spinal cord injury and translate into practice across the state.

    The project aims to improve the care of people with spinal cord injury by introducing evidence-based physiotherapy clinical practice guidelines and a companion resource that will be applicable statewide.

    The Queensland team worked with interstate counterparts to lead the guideline translation across Queensland, helping to build local provider capability and capacity to manage people with spinal cord injury.

    The guidelines are available at

    Implementation and translation of the clinical practice guidelines will continue to be incorporated into routine clinical practice.

    The NIISQ Agency contributed $75,325 to the project, which was completed in March 2024.

    Translation and implementation of an acquired brain injury vocational framework to clinical practice in Queensland

    This project is building on a research partnership with The Hopkins Centre and Griffith University to deliver a series of workshops to NIISQ providers to provide education, training and upskilling in traumatic brain injury vocational rehabilitation processes.

    We consider the project will produce real benefits for NIISQ participants and the scheme by:

    • enhancing service delivery and provision of vocational rehabilitation
    • helping NIISQ participants reach their vocational goals
    • improving long term outcomes for people with brain injury in returning to work.

    The NIISQ Agency contributed $32,132 to this project, which is expected to be completed by late August 2024.

    PEERS®/the friends research program

    Partnering with the University of Queensland, this project aims to test the effectiveness, acceptability and feasibility of a telehealth social skills program (called PEERS®) to high school-aged youth with brain injuries and a face-to-face group of the same program for primary school-aged youth in two randomised controlled trials.

    We consider the project will produce real benefits for NIISQ participants and the scheme including:

    • increased ability to make and keep friends post-injury
    • improved confidence in social situations
    • increase in caregiver skills to coach their child through challenging social situations
    • positive impacts on quality of life.

    New evidence generated by this project is anticipated to also:

    • enable flexible delivery options of PEERS® for youth with brain injuries (face-to-face or via telehealth)
    • give clinicians an effective program to improve social functioning of primary school aged children with brain injuries.

    The NIISQ Agency contributed $269,057 to this project, which is expected to be completed by mid-2026.

    The Queensland Brain Injury Collaborative

    The NIISQ Agency has partnered with the University of Queensland to continue the Queensland Brain Injury Collaborative (QBIC), a research-focused platform for brain injury stakeholders across Queensland to co-design solutions for people living with a brain injury.

    QBIC is a coalition of scientists, clinicians, health professionals, community organisations and other stakeholders to foster coordinated and collaborative brain injury research in Queensland.

    The NIISQ Agency has contributed $894,579 over the next three years to help develop QBIC as a statewide research platform.

    Feasibility of a Regional Community Integration Team

    This project aims to pilot a highly skilled Regional Community Integration Team in Far North Queensland and North West Queensland. The team will support participants with a traumatic brain injury and other complex disabling conditions to access, navigate, and integrate high quality care and support, in-person or via telehealth. The team will work with participants, their families and community support networks to build capability to support the participant over the long-term.

    The NIISQ Agency is partnering with James Cook University for this model, providing $594,979 to determine the feasibility, acceptability and sustainability of the team in the community. The project is due to be complete in 2025.

    Technology enabled homes for people living with a traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury

    The project seeks to understand how technology can be used in the homes of NIISQ participants with traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury to improve independence, manage their disability to enhance quality of life, health and well-being.

    The NIISQ Agency has partnered with University of Sunshine Coast to explore insights from the lived experience of participants who need and use a combination of specialist assistive technologies as well as mainstream smart technology.

    The project will provide resources for NIISQ participants and guidelines for home technology adoption. The NIISQ Agency is providing $156,240 towards this project, which is due to be complete in 2026.


  • We are committed to sound governance. In 2023–24, our governance framework continued to support our strategic direction and maintain a strong basis to ensure our statutory responsibilities are met. Risk management is integrated into our organisational activities, and ensures corporate governance is continuously assessed and enhanced.

    Risk and audit committee

    Under the Risk and Audit Committee’s (RAC) Charter, the RAC provided recommendations and assistance to the CEO on audit and risk management matters, including:

    • the efficient, effective and reliable operation of financial and non-financial internal controls and risk management
    • monitoring the internal and external audit functions, including oversight of the implementation of accepted audit recommendations
    • the NIISQ Agency’s reporting functions and the integrity of financial reports
    • the NIISQ Agency’s compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements and promotion of a culture committed to lawful and ethical behaviour.

    The RAC consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of six members. Remuneration of the committee is highlighted in note 9 of the Financial Statements. A summary of committee membership (as at 30 June 2024) is outlined as follows.


    Committee member Committee role Status
    Rowan Ward Chair Independent
    Geoff Waite Member Independent
    Will Ryan Member Treasury employee
    Jasmina Nuhovic Member Treasury employee


    The CEO, General Manager (GM) NIISQ, GM Business and Advisory Services, GM Innovation and Delivery, internal audit, and external audit all have a standing invitation to attend Committee meetings. Members of senior management are invited where required.

    The RAC meet quarterly and during 2023-24 met four times, fulfilling its responsibilities as per the RAC Charter. Key achievements included:

    • endorsing the 2022-23 Financial Statements for the NIISQ Agency
    • approving the Internal Audit Charter
    • endorsing the 2024-25 Internal Audit Plan
    • endorsing the 2024-25 NIISQ Agency budget.


    Other governance frameworks

    Our strong commitment to human rights

    Queensland’s Human Rights Act 2019 (HR Act) respects, protects and promotes the inherent dignity and worth of all human beings, especially the most vulnerable in our community.

    The HR Act requires us to consider human rights in our decision-making, actions and interactions with the community. We are proud that we intrinsically operate in this way to deliver lifetime treatment, care and support to our participants.

    Our core values are strongly aligned with the principles of the HR Act, and we continued to uphold these in our day-to-day practices through:

    • strategies to ensure transparent scheme decision-making processes are matched to participant individual circumstances, and a clear mandate that we will respect, protect and promote human rights in our decision- making and actions
    • reviewing policies, programs, procedures and service delivery to ensure that decisions and actions supported participant health and safety and were compatible with their human rights
    • raising awareness about the HR Act to NIISQ Agency employees through induction training processes
    • providing information on our website about how human rights complaints may be raised and how these complaints are managed by the NIISQ Agency, and how NIISQ Agency’s responses to complaints can be reviewed by the Queensland Human Rights Commission.

    We state and affirm our commitment to human rights in every NIISQ Agency position description.

    During the period, we did not receive any complaints relating to human rights.

    Funding NIISQ

    We work with the Queensland government and independent actuaries to help ensure the financial sustainability of the NIISQ Fund to meet the cost of necessary and reasonable participant treatment, care and support now and throughout their lifetimes, as well as NIISQ Agency operational expenses.

    Established under the NIISQ Act, the NIISQ Fund includes amounts received through the collection of a levy (see Financial Statements) on motor vehicles registered in Queensland, amounts recovered in connection with the scheme, and income derived from investments.

    The levy varies for each vehicle class. Under the NIISQ Act, the Insurance Commissioner provides a written recommendation to the Queensland Government about the value of the levy for each vehicle class for the following financial year. The levy recommendation is informed by independent actuarial advice and assessed over time to ensure financial sustainability.

  • As part of our ongoing management and reporting processes, the NIISQ Agency leadership team identifies, monitors and mitigates risks that may affect our ability to achieve our strategic objectives on an ongoing basis. Risks and corresponding controls are recorded in the NIISQ Agency’s risk register. Regular reviews of controls are undertaken to continually improve the ability of the NIISQ Agency to manage risk. The RAC considers any emerging risks and significant changes to the NIISQ Agency risk registers as part of its standing agenda.

    As an integral component of risk assessment, we are committed to business continuity management. This ensures continuity of key business services which contribute to, the achievement of our objectives.

    Compulsory third party civil damages

    A fundamental feature of NIISQ is that a proportion of lifetime participants have a compulsory third party (CTP) insurance civil claim. Some of these participants have the option to access their lifetime treatment, care and support needs as lump sum damages via their CTP insurance claim and then exit the scheme. Alternatively, they may elect to remain with the scheme and continue to receive treatment, care and support from the NIISQ Agency for their lifetime.

    When the NIISQ Agency engages with the CTP insurance civil process, we do so in a fair and objective manner in accordance with our role of administering the NIISQ scheme. Where it is necessary to become involved in litigation, the NIISQ Agency acts as a ‘model litigant’.

    Whether a participant’s treatment, care and support needs are provided within the scheme or delivered as a civil lump sum, the NIISQ Agency remains focused on assessing and meeting the participant’s needs, within the scope of the scheme.

  • The NIISQ Agency’s governance framework includes both internal and external accountability measures.

    KPMG were appointed as the NIISQ Agency’s internal auditor on 1 November 2023. They provided independent and objective internal audit services to the NIISQ Agency until 30 June 2024. The internal audit function operates under a charter consistent with relevant audit and ethical standards and has due regard to Queensland Treasury’s Audit Committee Guidelines—Improving Accountability and Performance.

    In the 2023–24 period, the NIISQ Agency’s Audit Plan consisted of the following reviews:

    • recruitment and people management
    • treatment, care and support spend management
    • vulnerable participant management.

    The NIISQ Agency is audited externally by the Queensland Audit Office in accordance with the Financial Accountability Act 2009.

  • The NIISQ Agency continues to advocate the benefits of electronic record keeping and wherever possible has embraced the Queensland Government’s DIGITAL1ST initiative. In 2023–24 a compulsory information management training module was included as part of our learning management system enhancement, ensuring staff are provided with an understanding of the importance of information management and document retention as soon as they commence with the Agency. Existing staff are also required to repeat the training annually.

    Cross-agency collaboration opportunities have continued to become available between NIISQ, MAIC and the Nominal Defendant.

    Our Information management (IM) framework, including its associated policy and guidelines, as well as a NIISQ-specific Records retention and disposal schedule (implementation version) are in effect.

    The IM framework aligns records management practices with Queensland Government objectives, current legislation and best practice record keeping standards, which include the:

    • Public Records Act 2002
    • Information Privacy Act 2009
    • Right to Information Act 2009
    • Queensland Government Records Governance Policy
    • Queensland Government Information Security Classification Framework
    • Queensland Government Information Security Policy (IS18:2018).

    The NIISQ Agency has also adopted the Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group’s Authorised and unauthorised use of ICT services, facilities and devices guideline and Personal use of social media guideline.


    The NIISQ Agency continues to be committed to giving the community open and transparent access to information, as per our statutory obligations under the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act). Our website contains various publications and pages detailing our services and business operations.

    Applications for documents not containing an applicant’s personal information are processed under the RTI Act, and requests for documents containing an applicant’s personal information are processed under the IP Act.

    Details on how to make a formal application requesting access to documents under the RTI Act or the IP Act are available on our website:

    We are required to publish details of the applications that the NIISQ Agency receives under the RTI Act on our disclosure log.

    Where possible, released documents are also published.

    We engage an external consultant to deliver right to information and privacy training. This training is an ongoing requirement for all staff to complete, and forms part of the induction process for new employees.

    NIISQ statistics

    We produce quarterly and annual NIISQ scheme insights reports to demonstrate key aspects of scheme performance.

    These reports objectively inform our participants, stakeholders and the broader community about the operation of the scheme, as well as enhancing scheme awareness and understanding. These publications, including the NIISQ scheme insights: 2023–24 report, are available through the NIISQ website:

    We support the Queensland Government Open Data Initiative. In 2023–24, we released 6 datasets in addition to our NIISQ scheme insights reports. Our Open Data sets are available at


  • The NIISQ Agency recorded a positive operating result of $550.6m for the year ended 30 June 2024 (2023: surplus of $478.3m).

    The increase in the operating surplus was primarily driven by an overall $279.2m increase in income offset by a $206.9m increase in expenses.

    The increase in income is mainly due to higher Queensland Investment Corporation investment returns, from $274.4m in 2023 to $511.2m in 2024, a reflection of better equity returns for the year. NIISQ levies increased from $570.8m to $609.3m, a 6.7% increase primarily as a result of an increase in the number of registered vehicles on Queensland road.

    Total expenses increased from $368.6m to $575.5m, primarily as a result of the higher treatment, care and support provision (an increase of $157.1m) and higher spend (increased by $40.1m). Operating expenses increased by $9.7m primarily due to higher QIC management fee ($4.6m) and employee expenses ($3.9m).

    Income (millions)

    NIISQ Agency Annual Report 2023-24 Income Chart

    Expenses (millions)

    NIISQ Agency Annual Report 2023-24 Expenses chart


Last updated: September 2024