NIISQ Scheme Insights: Oct-Dec 2022


This quarter, the NIISQ Agency continued to focus on engaging with valued stakeholders in industry and research fields.

If you have any questions about the information below, please contact us at

*Please note, the data contained below is reflective of NIISQ motor vehicle accident participants only. For more information on how we assist those injured in work-related accidents, please click here.

Between October and December 2022, we:

  • Enhanced engagement opportunities with external stakeholders through the Stakeholder Breakfast Forum, which provided an opportunity to meet with valued industry and peak body representatives.
  • Attended and presented at the Personal Injury Education Fund (PIEF) conference held in Brisbane in October, with personal injury scheme industry leaders and stakeholders from across Australia in attendance.
  • Hosted the Heads of Motor Accident Insurance Scheme (HMAIS) quarterly meeting and attended the combined HMAIS and Heads of Workers Compensation Scheme quarterly meeting in Brisbane.
  • Successfully went live with our new Procure to Pay system for support coordination, as well as commencing work to onboard the next service groups.
  • Finalised the Participant Incident Management System and implementation of provider complaints process.
  • Commenced the MyPlan project, which will review the delivery and utility of support plans for participants. The project will look to align to the Procure to Pay system as that project matures, aiming to provide a seamless connection and enhance the core functions of the Agency.

In the January – March 2023 quarter, we will:

  • Host our inaugural Participant Consultation Group meeting as part of the development work for the Participant Engagement Framework, seeking thoughts and feedback for the updated MyPlan and other information resources currently in development.
  • Undertake external consultation with identified stakeholders on the NIISQ Treatment, Care and Support Guidelines. The Guidelines will be available on the updated NIISQ website throughout the consultation period and then ongoing as a reference point for all stakeholders in the community.
  • Liaison with Queensland Government policy teams to review Restrictive Practice Policy in Queensland and the potential for NIISQ inclusion in reform work.
  • Further explore stakeholder consultation opportunities, with a particular focus on inter-governmental, peak body and participant consultation.
  • Continue enhancements to the Procure-to-Pay system and focus on releases to expand the system to more service providers.
  • Continue work on the Quality and Safeguarding Framework and the corresponding policies, tools and procedures.

Stay in the loop

To stay informed:

Explore our graphs below to learn more about NIISQ’s current participant cohort.

Tip: When viewing this report on a smaller screen, click the labels on our graphs to view them at a larger size.



Accepted participants

As anticipated, the number of accepted lifetime participants for the October – December 2022 quarter continued to increase and outnumber interim participants.

Lifetime exited participants

All participants enter the Scheme for a period of two years and receive treatment, care and support funded by NIISQ to support their rehabilitation following their serious personal injury. After two years, NIISQ is required to reassess the participant’s eligibility to remain in the Scheme. For some participants, the treatment, care and support they have received has been effective in supporting a recovery that means they no longer meet the threshold for a serious personal injury that requires lifetime funding.

Injury type

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) continues to be the main injury type for the NIISQ participant cohort, regardless of location or demographic differences.

TBI icon
SCI icon

Participant role at motor vehicle accident

We continue to note an overrepresentation of participants entering the Scheme as a result of motorcycle accidents.

Driver icon
Motorcycle icon
Passenger icon
Pedestrian icon
Cyclist icon

Participant age and gender

Young males aged 16-30 continue to be the major cohort for NIISQ participation.

Participant age and injury type

When assessing the data, it is also worth noting that the TBI cohort is relatively younger in comparison to other injury types, such as spinal cord injury (SCI).

Participant location

While the majority of participants are located in the Greater Brisbane area, North Queensland is the next highest area by participant location.

Payments for Treatment, Care and Support (TCS)

Payments by service type

More than 50% of service payments made on behalf of participants are for attendant, care and support, which reflects the care and respite that is necessary for people with serious personal injuries.

Legal services and claims

Participant with Compulsory Third Party (CTP) claims

NIISQ is a no-fault Scheme, which means people seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents may be eligible for treatment, care and support regardless of whether they were the cause of the accident or not. For those participants who were not at fault, they may be eligible for a compulsory third party (CTP) claim in addition to NIISQ as part of their claim against the at-fault party. You can read more about the CTP process here.

Legal representation

Participants with a CTP claim who are eligible to take a lump sum (contributory negligence of less than 50% for the circumstances of the accident) opted in the following way at conference:

  • 21 participants were eligible and attended a settlement conference that resulted in a resolution
    • Of those 21 participants, 16 took a lump sum from both the insurer and NIISQ
    • 5 participants opted to take the insurer lump sum but decided to stay in NIISQ
elected lump sum exit
elected to remain in the scheme

Last updated: March 2025