NIISQ Scheme Insights: Oct-Dec 2023


This quarter, we delivered system enhancements, partnerships and engagements to support NIISQ participants and stakeholders.

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The data contained below reflects NIISQ participants who were injured in motor vehicle accidents. For more information on how we assist people injured in work-related accidents, view our page on Work related accidents.


Between October and December 2023, we:

  • launched the Treatment, care and support guidelines which underpin our decision-making process for funding requests, following extensive stakeholder consultation
  • committed 3 years’ funding for the Queensland Brain Injury Collaborative – a collaboration with the University of Queensland’s Queensland Brain Institute to enhance outcomes for people with acquired brain injury
  • consulted a working group of NIISQ participants on a concept for a MyNIISQ participant self-service portal
  • presented at the Actuary Institute’s Injury and Disability Schemes Seminar 2023 on Agency trends and performance
  • engaged with First Nations service providers and elevated awareness of NIISQ with an exhibit at the 2023 Indigenous Allied Health Association National Conference
  • successfully implemented MyPlan, the most significant enhancement to support-planning processes since the Agency’s inception in 2016 (learn more).

On the horizon

Between January and March 2024, we will:

  • deliver a staged rollout of the MyNIISQ participant portal to expand access to efficient reimbursements for treatment, care and support
  • engage with actuaries to prepare advice on 2024-25 NIISQ levy for the Motor Accident Insurance Commission in line with legislative requirements
  • conduct our annual review of strategic and operational plans to ensure our activities deliver maximum value for our participants and stakeholders
  • consult with participants on NIISQ SMART goal setting cards which aim to assist with identifying goals for their MyPlan
  • commence a research partnership with the Jamieson Trauma Institute
  • visit stakeholders in Far North Queensland to provide support and build awareness of NIISQ
  • sponsor the Australian Lawyers Alliance Queensland Conference to raise awareness of NIISQ amongst legal stakeholders.

Stay in the loop

To stay informed:

Explore our graphs below to learn more about NIISQ’s current participant cohort.

Tip: When viewing this report on a smaller screen, click the labels on our graphs to view them at a larger size.



Applications received

When the NIISQ Agency receives an application to join the scheme, we review the application to determine eligibility. Between October and December 2023, we received 38 applications, accepted 29 (on an interim basis), did not accept 7, and had 2 applications pending decision.

Exited participants

People with eligible injuries enter the scheme as interim participants for up to 2 years and receive treatment, care and support funded by NIISQ to support their rehabilitation. During this period, we review the participant’s eligibility to remain in the scheme on a lifetime basis or to exit the scheme for various reasons.

Lifetime exited participants

For some participants, the treatment, care and support they have received has been effective in supporting a recovery that means they no longer meet the threshold for a serious personal injury that requires lifetime funding. After their lifetime eligibility assessment, 12 participants exited the scheme last quarter as a result of the treatment, care and support funded by NIISQ.

Lump sum exited participants

Participants who are eligible for lifetime funding might be eligible for a compulsory third party (CTP) insurance claim as well as NIISQ as part of their claim against the at-fault party. By taking a lump sum from both the CTP insurer and NIISQ, 2 participants exited the scheme last quarter.

Lump sum eligibility

Participants with a CTP insurance claim who are eligible to take a lump sum opted in the following ways at conference:

  • 51 participants have settled their CTP insurance claim.
  • Of those 51 participants, 43 accepted a lump sum from both the insurer and NIISQ.
  • 8 participants opted to take the insurer lump sum but decided to stay in NIISQ.
chose a lump sum exit
chose to remain in the scheme

Active participants

In terms of the current (active) participants in NIISQ, the number of lifetime participants continued to increase as expected.

Injury type

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) continues to be the main injury type for the NIISQ participant cohort, regardless of location or demographic differences.

Participant role in motor vehicle accident

The scheme supports a range of participants who were injured in various circumstances on Queensland roads.

Participant age and gender

Young males aged 16-30 continue to be the major cohort for NIISQ participation.

Participant age and injury type

The cohort of participants with traumatic brain injury is relatively younger in comparison to other injury types, such as spinal cord injury.

Geographical profile

While the majority of participants reside in the Greater Brisbane area, North Queensland is the next highest area by geographical profile.

Payments for treatment, care and support

Payments by service type

More than 50% of service payments made on behalf of participants are for attendant care and support which reflects the care and respite that is necessary for people with serious personal injuries.

Legal services and claims

Participant with CTP insurance claims

NIISQ is a no-fault scheme, which means people seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents may be eligible for treatment, care and support regardless of whether they caused the accident. For participants who were not at fault, they may be eligible for a CTP insurance claim in addition to NIISQ. Between October and December 2023, around 40% of NIISQ participants also had a CTP insurance claim.

Last updated: February 2024