Information for NIISQ participants and their families

In most circumstances, your service providers will invoice us directly, rather than you having to pay for services yourself.

However, if you pay for any pre-approved treatment and rehabilitation services related to your injury yourself, you can claim reimbursement from the NIISQ Agency. Before you pay for the services, you should check with your Support Planner so that you can be sure the expenses will be reimbursed and seek approval before paying.

To make a claim you must submit an Application for reimbursement of approved treatment, care, and support expenses or transport expenses. You can submit it yourself or someone can submit it on your behalf.

Your Support Planner can give you a copy of the form, or you can find it on our website by clicking here.

There are exceptional circumstances where obtaining approval beforehand is not possible, such as a medical appointment at short notice. If this happens, talk to your Support Planner as soon as possible. If the expense is related to your injury and considered necessary and reasonable, you might still be able to submit a reimbursement form.

  • The types of expenses that can be claimed via a reimbursement form may include:

    • medicines required because of your injury that you have paid for before a pharmacy account is created for you
    • medical appointments related to your injury arranged at short notice
    • mileage for travel to approved treatment and rehabilitation services
    • transport fares for travel to approved treatment and rehabilitation services

  • You need to include all the following information, so the expense claim can be processed:

    • the submission date of the form
    • the name and details of the person who will be reimbursed − this could be you or someone else (If it’s someone else, write down their relationship to you on the reimbursement form)
    • a tax invoice, receipt, or fare ticket. We will accept digital copies, but you must keep the original for auditing purposes
    • details of the item or service paid for
    • for mileage: the start and end destination, the total kilometres per trip (based on the shortest most direct route) and the reason for the trip. (For example, ‘Appointment from A to B and back, 45km return, Dr Jones rehabilitation specialist’)
    • for parking: the receipt/parking ticket and the reason why the parking was needed
    • for tolls: the name of the motorway used, tolls charged, the date of travel and the reason why the motorway was required.

    For the first expense claim, or if your bank details change, you will also need to complete a NIISQ bank details form, so we know which account to reimburse the funds to.

    This form can be obtained from our website by clicking here. You can also ask for a copy of this form from your Support Planner.

  • You should submit a reimbursement form on a regular basis and within 3 months of paying for the expense.

    You don’t have to submit a form every time you pay for something – one form can cover several expenses.

  • The NIISQ Agency will generally not pay for:

    • your travel costs for normal daily activities (For example, travel to work, the shops or social functions)
    • travel costs for anyone other than you, unless it has been identified that you require a support person to assist you to travel, such as your support worker.

  • You can access and submit the reimbursement form online by clicking here.

    You will need to upload a copy of your tax invoices/receipts with the form before you submit it.

    You can send a PDF copy of the form to us by email or post. The form can be accessed by clicking here.

    Please send to:
    NIISQ Agency
    GPO Box 1391
    Brisbane Qld 4001

  • Your Support Planner will review your reimbursement form to make sure the items you are seeking reimbursement for meet services related to your injury.

    You’ll be advised if there are any items that can’t be reimbursed.

    Payment will be made by electronic funds transfer into your nominated bank account within 28 days.

Last updated: June 2024