How to get support

As a NIISQ participant you may be able to access support from a number of sources including:

  • The NIISQ Agency Support Planning team
  • Queensland Hospital and Health Services
  • Your general practitioner/doctor
  • Local organisations

For accident-related treatment, care and support the NIISQ Agency will work with you, or your guardian, to understand your needs, your goals, and the supports appropriate for you.

Your support journey

Each participant’s situation, injury and support journey is different. This means that each participant’s treatment, care and support needs are also unique.

The NIISQ Agency will work with you and your guardian to understand your accident-related needs and develop a Support Plan that outlines your individual goals and needs.

Often a treatment, care or support service will need to be engaged with to meet your needs and support you in achieving your goals. The NIISQ Agency will work with you, your family, and your treating team to ensure appropriate services are provided with your consent in order to support your individual goals.

Although each participant’s support journey is unique, the NIISQ Agency aims to support each participant to increase independence, maximise participation in their community and assist them in managing their injury.

Your contact at the NIISQ Agency

When you are accepted as a NIISQ participant, you will be assigned a dedicated member of our Support Planning team who will initially be your main contact at the NIISQ Agency.

Your Support Planner will work closely with you, your family or guardian to assess your current and future treatment, care and support needs and to help you to access services in your community.

Subject to your needs, they will:

  • keep in contact with you and your treating team to discuss our services and the support we provide
  • work with you and your treatment, care and support providers to develop a responsive support plan that meets your goals
  • enable access to injury-related treatment, care and support services (such as rehabilitation or attendant care)
  • monitor your progress and needs and help you to review your support plan.

You will be provided with contact details for your NIISQ Agency Support Planner so that you can talk to them when you want to discuss your treatment, care and support needs.

As you progress with your support journey you will work with different Support Planners who will be best suited to assist you depending on where you are in your journey.

As our Lifetime NIISQ participants progress with their journey they may be supported by a team of Support Planners who are contactable via 1300 607 566 or

If you are ever unsure of who to contact, you can always reach out to 1300 607 566 or and someone from our team will be able to assist you.

Last updated: July 2022