On this page you will find the answers to some of the more commonly asked questions regarding NIISQ and how to apply to become a participant.

If you still can’t find what you are looking for, please contact us.


  • The National Injury Insurance Scheme, Queensland (NIISQ) provides people with eligible, serious personal injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident with necessary and reasonable treatment, care and support services, irrespective of fault. It came into effect on 1 July 2016.

  • NIISQ helps participants achieve their individual goals, maximise their independence and participate in the community.

    The principles of collaboration and informed decision-making are central to NIISQ and are achieved by providing evidence-based treatment, care and support options which suit individual requirements. The National Injury Insurance Agency, Queensland (NIISQ Agency) provides this in an environment which fosters informed choice, flexibility and empowerment, reflecting community expectations.

    The NIISQ Agency administers NIISQ and oversees the National Injury Insurance Scheme Queensland Fund that pays for the costs of providing necessary and reasonable treatment, care and support. The Fund is funded by a levy paid at the same time as registration of a motor vehicle.

  • The Productivity Commission outlined a number of reasons for the establishment of a National Injury Insurance Scheme separate from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS funds disability support needs, not supports provided by other services e.g. hospital, medical, dental. The NDIS is funded through Australian, state and territory Governments from consolidated revenue and an increased Medicare levy. The NDIS is administered by the National Disability Insurance Agency and is subject to Commonwealth legislation.

    NIISQ covers people who sustain catastrophic injuries from a motor vehicle accident. They have unique and complex needs and, as a result, the NIISQ will provide services over a person’s lifetime (not just to age 65 years). These injuries have very intensive needs in the first few years after injury and early intervention is important.

  • Queenslanders pay for NIISQ via a levy which is paid at the same time as CTP premium and motor vehicle registration. Different levies apply for different vehicle classes. Individuals can calculate the cost of their CTP premium, including the NIISQ levy, at the MAIC website.

  • NIISQ is a no-fault scheme which provides cover to all eligible applicants who sustain a catastrophic injury as a result of a motor vehicle accident in Queensland. NIISQ Scheme accepts all eligible applicants regardless of age, citizenship or residency status.

  • The National Injury Insurance Scheme, Queensland assists people who are seriously injured to access services to undertake their daily activities, maximise their independence and pursue employment opportunities, where possible.

    NIISQ benefits Queensland communities through improved health outcomes, and improved social and economic participation by the person who is injured, their family and carers.

  • Eligible applicants are interim participants for two years from acceptance.

    Prior to your two year anniversary with NIISQ, a review of your eligibility is repeated. Following this review, interim participants are informed whether they have been found eligible for Lifetime participation in the NIISQ.

    For children under 4 years of age who are accepted to as interim participants, eligibility is reviewed as the child turns 6.

How can I get help?

  • If you need information about making a Compulsory Third Party (CTP) claim or about CTP insurance, contact the CTP enquiry line on 1800 CTP QLD (1800 287 753) or visit the Motor Accident Insurance Commission website.

    You can also read our CTP FAQs here.

  • If you or a loved one is seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident in Queensland you should submit an application to the NIISQ Agency as soon as possible.

  • Please phone the enquiry line on 1300 607 566 or email enquiries@niis.qld.gov.au.

    Alternatively, you can read our Information Sheets.

  • If you have sustained a serious personal injury in a motor vehicle accident prior to the NIISQ eligibility date of 1 July 2016, you may be eligible for alternative funding services or treatment pathways via:

    1. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) – ndis.gov.au
    2. Compulsory Third Party Insurance – maic.qld.gov.au
    3. QLD Health – health.qld.gov.au
    4. Local General Medical Practitioner

    Please obtain eligibility information directly from the above schemes or services.

  • If you have a query regarding a work-related serious personal injury, you can find more information here.

About applying

  • You, your family member, a friend, or the hospital can complete the Application Form – Interim participation

    If you have made a CTP claim against an insurer, the insurer may make an application on your behalf by completing the Application Form – Insurer

    For more information on the application process click here. 

  • You, your family member, a friend, or the hospital can complete the Application Form – Interim participation

    If you have made a CTP claim against an insurer, the insurer may make an application on your behalf by completing the Application Form – Insurer.

  • Yes, if you have made a CTP claim against an insurer, the insurer may make an application on your behalf.

Interstate questions


  • The information in this section is for NIISQ participants who also have a valid Compulsory Third Party (CTP) claim.

    If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident in Queensland due to the fault (total or partial) of another driver, vehicle owner or another person insured under a CTP insurance policy you may make a CTP claim under the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994.

    The claim is made against the CTP insurer of the vehicle that caused the accident. You can still make a CTP claim if you were partially at fault, but your compensation may be reduced to the extent you contributed to your own injuries, for example failing to wear a seat belt. This is known as contributory negligence.

    To find out more about Queensland’s CTP scheme, please visit the Motor Accident Insurance Commission.

  • Yes. You can still make a CTP claim, even if you are accepted as a NIISQ participant.

    NIISQ preserves the common law rights of participants who are not at fault in a motor vehicle accident, or where their contributory negligence is less than 50 per cent.

    While you are accepted as a NIISQ participant, the necessary and reasonable treatment, care and support related to your accident injuries will be planned and funded under NIISQ. In this case, any settlement paid by the CTP insurer would not include the treatment, care and support component as this is funded under NIISQ.

  • Only people who meet the preconditions may ‘opt out’ of NIISQ and pursue a lump sum for the treatment, care and support component. These pre-conditions include where the person:

    • is a lifetime NIISQ participant
    • has a valid CTP claim with contributory negligence less than 50 per cent
    • has not been excluded from receiving a lump sum by the Court.

  • A person who is confirmed as a lifetime participant of NIISQ and who also has a valid CTP claim can provide a notice to the CTP insurer and the NIISQ Agency to indicate an intention to pursue a lump sum for damages for future treatment, care and support. This notice is called a preservation notice and can be found here.

  • If you start your CTP claim before you have become a lifetime participant of NIISQ, then you should give a preservation notice within 14 days of being accepted as a lifetime participant of NIISQ.

    If you start your CTP claim after you have become a lifetime participant of NIISQ, then you should give a preservation notice within 14 days after the CTP insurer provides a written acknowledgement of your CTP claim.

    Further information about timeframes can be found in the National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Act 2016.

  • Yes. If you are accepted as a lifetime participant, you will receive funding for the necessary and reasonable treatment, care and support related to your accident injuries under NIISQ for your lifetime. You can choose to remain as a participant of NIISQ and have the treatment, care and support component excluded from your CTP claim.

    However, if you have elected to ‘opt out’ of NIISQ and take a lump sum payment for treatment, care and support, you will no longer receive treatment, care and support through NIISQ.

  • The National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Act 2016  does make a provision for a participant to apply to re-enter NIISQ at least 5 years after receiving a payout of their treatment, care and support from the NIISQ Agency.

    However, it can only be made in the circumstances prescribed by regulation. At this stage, no regulation currently exists to permit this re-entry process.

  • No. If you have been awarded damages for your treatment, care and support needs under a final judgement of a court or a binding settlement, you are not eligible to participate in NIISQ in relation to your serious personal injury.

    Instead, you can buy into NIISQ under the following circumstances:

    • You would have met eligibility criteria to participate in NIISQ
    • NIISQ Agency decides to accept you as a participant in NIISQ for a period agreed between you and the NIISQ Agency

    If you are accepted as a participant under these circumstances, you must pay the NIISQ Agency a contribution towards your treatment, care and support needs in relation to the serious personal injury. The amount that you must pay is prescribed by regulation. At this stage, no regulation currently exists to permit this buy-in process.

  • Please refer to the National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Act 2016  for detailed information about the National Injury Insurance Scheme, Queensland.

    To find out more information about the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) scheme in Queensland, visit the Motor Accident Insurance Commission website at: maic.qld.gov.au.

Last updated: January 2025