MyNIISQ participant portal pilot success
February 13, 2024
The National Injury Insurance Agency Queensland (NIISQ Agency) has partnered with Queensland University of Technology to develop and pilot MyNIISQ — an online participant portal designed to facilitate easier access to services and self-management. The digital platform will transform traditional, paper-based processes into an accessible, efficient online solution that caters to individual needs in real time. MyNIISQ is a user-centric digital dashboard initiative that enhances the autonomy and empowerment of injured participants. It aims to improve user experience with round-the-clock access to information, streamlining the Agency’s administrative processes, and bolstering the participant-Support Planner relationship for increased trust within the Scheme.
We built our first pilot model in late 2023, testing its functionality with a core group of participants and completed our initial evaluation report, with plans to improve and scale the project through future pilot projects. We’re pleased to advise the pilot has been considered a success, thanks to the strength of positive feedback received from our test group.
Innovation capability remains at the forefront of our Agency’s approach to enhancing the experience of NIISQ participants. Using our participant engagement model has enabled us to use lean and agile techniques to rapidly test with participants and to build trust through co-design, ensuring what we are developing is aligned to what participants need from us. The results are promising and demonstrate that engaging with stakeholders from the beginning of our projects provides tangible value for our participants.
Our future vision is to roll out the portal to more participants and explore how it will support other stakeholders including case managers, allied health providers and attendant care service providers.

Last updated: February 2024