Queensland Ballet for Brain Injury Toowoomba
November 22, 2024
As part of the Queensland Brain Injury Collaborative (QBIC) and NIISQ Roadshow in Toowoomba recently, representatives from the Queensland Ballet for Brain Injury, Ally Champion and Olivia Rooney, engaged the attendees in an inclusive and entertaining interactive presentation. With smiles and laughter, the team had the room ‘dancing’ to music from the Nutcracker and waltzing to Sleeping Beauty.
In 2021, a pilot research program for Ballet for Brain Injury was developed to explore the importance of movement for people who had acquired a brain injury. The program, developed with guidance from health professionals, highlighted benefits such as improved balance and mobility, improved coordination, memory, and confidence, with a focus on socialisation. The program is ongoing, and participants enjoy a weekly class tailored to their abilities to encourage movement but equally important is the community and social aspect of the class.
Everyone, including family, friends and carers are encouraged to join in and as you can see in the video below the whole room was engaged, proving that there is an inner ballet dancer in us all.

Last updated: November 2024