Ballet for Brain Injury lunch and learn at NIISQ

NIISQ recently hosted a lunch and learn session where we had the pleasure of welcoming our friends at the Queensland Ballet to learn more about their incredible initiative Ballet for Brain Injury.

The tailored dance program is specifically designed for individuals living with a brain injury. Based on research and delivered by trained Teaching Artists from Queensland Ballet, participants have reported that the inclusive, creative and adaptive approach has helped them in areas such as improved balance, movement, coordination, flexibility, memory, creative expression, social confidence, and general wellbeing. 

It was developed in collaboration with the Hopkins Centre at Griffith University, Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre, and Citrine Sun Entertainment in 2021 as part of the Queensland Ballet’s Dance for Health initiative, offering weekly classes for participants and their support carers to engage in a fun and healthy way to stay active.

The Queensland Ballet is passionate about sharing the health benefits of dance and making it more accessible for all, with their community and education programs reaching more than 35,000 participants annually across Queensland.

For more information, visit the Ballet for Brain Injury website or view the Ballet for Brain Injury video on YouTube. This video features NIISQ Participant Reference Group member, Jason Driscoll, who has also participated in Ballet for Brain Injury.

Last updated: August 2024