World’s biggest beanie for brain injury awareness: NIISQ knit and knatter’s big impact

Many staff members at NIISQ have joined volunteers all over Australia and worldwide attempting to construct the largest beanie the world has ever seen, reflecting this year’s Brain Injury Awareness Week theme, ‘What’s your connection?’

This theme represents the many synapses and neuropathways of the brain that connect how we think, feel, move and so much more, that can change a person’s life if injured. Thus, we are asking how brain injury awareness is showing up and connecting Aussies with one another – or ‘what’s your connection?’

The ‘World’s biggest beanie for brain injury awareness’ campaign is shining a light on the often-invisible barriers and journeys of each and every brain injury survivor and their individual stories. It embodies this theme, symbolising that one person can make a difference when we work together as a community.

This dedicated crew who hosted lunchtime ‘knit and knatter’ sessions, crocheted over 130 colourful squares of yarn to be added to the world’s biggest beanie, being constructed this Sunday 25 August, rounding up Brain Injury Awareness Week 2024.  

The goal is to make a beanie 30 metres in circumference and 18 metres high, using individual knitted and crocheted 20cm x 20cm squares. The goal was to have 13,500 squares in total – so stay tuned to see the very big beanie in action!

Thank you to all of our knit and knatterers for your time, delightful company and patience.

Find out more about the World’s Biggest Beanie for Brain Injury Awareness.

Last updated: August 2024