NIISQ Agency launches Disability Service Plan on International Day of People with Disability
December 5, 2024
The NIISQ Agency was proud to launch its inaugural Disability Service Plan (DSP) on 3 December 2024 at an International Day of People with Disability event.
Guest speakers from Griffith University’s Hopkins Centre helped launch the new plan. Dignity Project Lead Researcher, Dr Kelsey Chapman spoke on her work in understanding how people with disability experience social, personal, and systemic dignity. Hopkins Centre Patron, Kevin Cocks AM, a well-respected champion of human rights, also shared his experience of pushing for an inclusive, accessible and diverse Queensland through legislative, policy reform and state-wide advocacy.

The event came to a close with the live premiere of NIISQ participant, Jan’s story which explores the difference NIISQ has made in her life since sustaining a brachial plexus injury in 2021.
The DSP complements the Reconciliation Action Plan and Equity and Diversity Plan 2024-2026 which will sharpen the Agency’s focus on the impact of disability.
Co-designed by a staff working group, NIISQ staff shaped the plan’s actions through an anonymous staff survey. Participant Reference Group members contributed through individual interviews. The Agency also worked with the Queenslanders with Disability Network to design, develop and communicate the plan.
DSP Executive Champion, Gaenor Walker (General Manager, NIISQ) was instrumental in designing the plan.
“This plan affirms our respect for the diverse strengths, abilities and needs of people with disability and highlights our commitment to ensure that those needs are met. This plan will improve the quality of NIISQ service delivery by building a workforce that better understands disability,” Ms Walker said.
“This is a massive step forward for the Agency. I am so excited to see the actions coming to life.”
Last updated: January 2025